Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Staking WillowCoin on a VPS

Recently I've spent some time working with the WillowCoin cryptocurrency, which I believe has a bright future as one of the cleanest Pure-PoS projects currently out there. I know that some people in the community have struggled with setting up the Proof-of-Stake command line wallet on a server, so I thought I'd offer a quick video guide!

The install command referenced in the video is wget https://bit.ly/3aXod2w -O - | sudo bash -
The putty url is: https://bit.ly/2Yu5V6q
The FlipperHost url is: https://bit.ly/2SCWwWj


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Staking WillowCoin on a VPS

Recently I've spent some time working with the WillowCoin cryptocurrency, which I believe has a bright future as one of the cleanest Pur...